2024 lok sabha election schedule
Election Schedule
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Poll Event Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV Phase V Phase VI Phase VII
Notification Date 20 March 28 March 12 April 18 April 26 April 29 April 7 May
Last Date for filing nomination 27 March 4 April 19 April 25 April 3 May 6 May 14 May
Scrutiny of nomination 28 March 5 April 20 April 26 April 4 May 7 May 15 May
Last Date for withdrawal of nomination 30 March 8 April 22 April 29 April 6 May 9 May 17 May
Date of poll 19 April 26 April 7 May 13 May 20 May 25 May 1 June
Date of counting of votes/Result 4 June 2024
No. of constituencies 102 89 94 96 49 57 57

2024 Lok Sabha election schedule

As the much-anticipated 2024 Lok Sabha election schedule is set in motion, the importance of being a validated participant in this democratic event cannot be overstated. One’s eligibility to vote is encapsulated in a small yet significant document – the Voter ID card. This year, ensure your voice is heard by securing your PVC Voter ID card in time for the elections.

Election Schedule Details

The Election Commission has meticulously charted out the phases of the upcoming elections. Below is the detailed 2024 Lok Sabha election schedule, marking critical dates from the notification to the counting of votes:

  • Notification Date: Starting from 20 March, unfolding through 7 May
  • Last Date for Filing Nomination: Spanning from 27 March to 14 May
  • Scrutiny of Nomination: Following each nomination period by one day
  • Last Date for Withdrawal of Nomination: Closing between 30 March and 17 May
  • Date of Poll: Set from 19 April to 1 June, across various constituencies
  • Date of Counting of Votes/Result: Concluding the process on 4 June 2024

The Model Code of Conduct 2024 has been enforced concurrently, ensuring fair play and equity in the electoral process.

Voter ID Importance

A Voter ID card is not only a pass to exercise your franchise but also a pivotal proof of identity. The advent of PVC Voter ID card printing marks a significant leap in durability and quality, providing voters with a more robust and long-lasting identification document.

PVC Voter ID Card Printing Services

We take pride in offering state-of-the-art PVC Voter ID card printing services. Unlike the traditional paper-based cards, PVC Voter IDs are water-resistant, tamper-proof, and come with enhanced print quality, making your Voter ID more than just a card – a durable asset.

Our service simplifies the process:

  • Hassle-free online application
  • Step-by-step assistance
  • Quick turnaround time
  • Doorstep delivery

Hear from our community of satisfied voters who trust us for their PVC Voter ID card needs, solidifying their part in India’s thriving democracy.


Q: How do I apply for a PVC Voter ID card? A: Simply visit our website, visit PVC Voter ID Card Print, and upload the required documents. We’ll take care of the rest.

Q: What if my Voter ID doesn’t arrive in time? A: With our expedited service options, we ensure that you receive your PVC Voter ID card well before the Date of Poll as per the 2024 Lok Sabha election schedule.

For more information about the Model Code of Conduct 2024, the election phases, or your Voter ID, visit our resources page. Remember, a well-informed voter is the pillar of democracy.

Legal disclaimer: Terms and conditions apply. The election schedule is subject to changes as per the Election Commission’s directives.

Take the Step Towards Empowerment

Ready to make your mark in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections? Ensure you’re prepared with a durable PVC Voter ID card. Click here to secure your vote and your voice with our reliable printing services. Cast your vote with confidence

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pvc voter id card